How Laser Levelling can Boost Automation and Efficiency

An unlevel storage facility floor will impact other handling systems in the facility, such as pallet racks, automated storage and retrieval systems, conveyors, horizontal carousels and narrow-aisle lift truck operations. Therefore, it is vital that all measures are taken to ensure a completely flat service. Traditional hand screed methods of construction, whether using a straight-edge or vibro-strike type tool, rely heavily on the skill of the team to set accurate wet pads and follow them precisely. Even amongst the most qualified team, errors between reference points will inevitably occur. A laser screed machine can be utilized to offer precise flatness and level maintenance, as the machine’s laser control system ensures an accurate finished level through the use of electro-hydraulic controls and allows for easier and fast construction. Laser receivers mounted on the screed head receive a signal from a transmitter providing automatic control to finished floor level.

Understanding the Perils of Poorly Constructed Flooring

Excessive joints, unexpected cracks and uneven floors are at the very least unsightly and at the worst debilitating. Badly positioned joints or large open cracks in aisles or free movement areas can slow down materials handling equipment movement, cause unnecessary wear to tires, wheels and bearings, and potentially cause instability with loads. Uneven floors can have the same negative effect, slowing production and adding cost. A poorly designed and improperly constructed floor may have problems such as cracking, inadequate joint performance and poor surface tolerance. Various repairs can often rectify many of these defects, but at a great cost of time and money.

We at FAM Flooring Division will be happy to meet you and advice on the best flooring solution.

Fars Al Mazrooei Contracting L.L.C. (FAM)